...at least it did for me. Before I found music (as a 13 year old), I was an angry child. I was experiencing many kinds of emotional turmoil, and was desperately lashing out to find some kind of outlet for it.
Music gave me that outlet. I played incessantly, and it kept my mind occupied. I no longer sat around mulling the things I was mad about in my head over and over. I became nice... and laid back. Music became a conduit in which the unrest in my soul could stream out of my being like rays of energy leaving my body.
Music released me from a ton of emotional hardship, and gave me a release for pent up energy.One of my most impactful experiences in life was when I was in high school. One of my bandmates invited a friend over to practice, and that friend brought his son with him.
The son's name was Luigi, and Luigi was from Panama. Luigi could barely speak English, and I could barely speak Spanish. We both loved music (Luigi played the guitar), but we couldn't talk about it for more that a few minutes.
Then, we started to play music together. We played for hours. I learned that Luigi had a sense of humor, and that he was very confident. We smiled, and laughed. We learned about each other, and we were able to form a relationship, even though we hardly shared a spoken language.
They say music is the universal language, and I can attest from experience that this is true.